Do you have bad Karma? (HAROLD to Norayda)

Hi, Norayda
Excellent inner exam, Hi Iam Harold, This is my personal opinion. I was raised as a Methodist, Drop out, Catholisism, Drop out. Always believed there was a God for 40 plus years I haved looked for the answer.
Through out this 40 plus years I would go through spurts of talking with God outloud alone in my space. and all those times I found it to be enlightening. What was happening is while talking outload I realized after a time, long time. That not only was looking for wisdom and answers, but that I was answering them myself.
It states in the Bible. WE need not ask for anything, for GOD knows everything we want every question that we are going to ask.
Knowing this for years. I still had a life tha was upside down big sinner, Went from the top of the world and to bottom several times. Still believing in God but never asked nor steped inside of a church. Why people have asked me my answer was because I was a SINNER, and knew that I was going to continue to be a sinner. So I could not go to church and be a hypocrite. Over all these years I was over looking one vital aspect of God the Church all that, and that was JESUS. The answer to you questions are not to GOD but to JESUS in order for us to reach God we must become one with JESUS, it has taken 40 plus yrs. to find the answer, and it has been in front of me all the time. For total well being, happiness, that we live as Jesus did in the way we look upon life.
What has caused the problem for so many of us is it has always been the church although they talked about Jesus & God it was only for the benefit of the church.If you can find the right church one that fits, then by all means go, But it does not mean that you have to. As far as tithing, it is a requirment. (AS YOU SEW YOU SHALL RECIEVE) True statement, you give to what your heart tells you, as long as it is for the good of the and Gods work. Asimple way of doing this is through out your daily life when a question or problem ask yourself what would Jesus do, and if you follow that answer in time you will be supprised how much your life will change and your purpose come into focus, and it is no harder than that.
Karma is simply lessons that we need to learn in order for us to truly be as God created us to be in our own special way.
God Bless to all and learn to keep it simple because it really is. Is it easy no not in the begining, not untill your belife and faith are one, and then there will still be challenges, for that is how we lean
Blessings Harold F. McCune


Michael Norwood:

Indeed, as you suggest, Harold, for me Jesus and God speak for themselves – and to ourselves. Everyone else’s interpretation is just that – an interpretation.

And for what it’s worth – here’s mine:

God and Jesus represent the highest forms of unconditional love, forgiveness, surrender and grace.

And any interpretation that leaves you and me with anything less than that is more of the interpreter than of God and of Jesus.

Amen. End of interpretation of interpretations.

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