Do you have bad karma? (Arti)

thank you for changing my perspective towards life…your note has actually changed the way i think…
i really do not think that you or for that anyone has a bad karma.
it is all in your mind if yuou keep thinking of all the bad that happens to you to be the result of your karma you will keep believing in bad karma…and all that happens will be due to your karma…then what have we done in life? nothing? if we can take credit for all our achievements then why cant we take the blame for anything wrong or bad that happens to us???
i am really bad at expressing things that i feel in words might not have the right words…but hope you understand what i am trying to convey here….
according to me we are responsible for the decisions that we make…and we should be ready to face the consequences of them…
like i could blame the accident that i met with to my bad karma…but if i had not made the decision of going out for a late night movie i would not have met with that accident…and similarly i could give the credit of my good performance in my exams to my good karma…but it was my hard work and hours of struggle that actually paid off…\
so i dont think that there is any such thing as good or BAD KARMA..
thanks for the greate thought…
i would like to read more of your articles…
is there any place where i could get soem of your books in india???
would be very greatful if i cud read some of your good work…
thank you…



Dear Arti,

You indeed know what it’s all about. And it’s all about, as you allude to, taking responsibility. Owning up. Taking your own life into your own hands. That’s the Good Karma. Knowing it, and doing it.

My  books are available at . And in the coming year I will be getting all of my past newsletters up on this blog or on for you and others to read. If you’d like to receive a new 30 – part series I’ve developed, email me and I’ll get you set up on it.

No worries about the language – your spirit shines through to all who will read and be inspired by what you wrote.

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