Do you have bad karma? (Bob)

Your article on "bad karma" was very timely Michael. I have been wrestling with several work related issues lately and the inner turmoil was beginning to take a toll on me mentally and emotionally. It concers an issue that I am very passionate about but am feeling that my suggestions to address an issue are falling on deaf ears. I decided to seclude myself to my closet so that I would have no interruptions while I sat quietly, rested my mind and waited for an answer. And then it came…surrender. In this situation the "bad Karma" was the result of me responding at all. Sometimes we need to recognize that the best thing we can do is not respond at all and as my favorite verse from the bible says…be anxious for nothing but in everything through prayer and supplication let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding will guide your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.



So beautifully said, Bob. Indeed, it’s often our need to respond rather than be still and surrendered that creates the Bad Karma. If you can be surrendered, as you say, and respond only once you are a vessel of higher good and understanding, you are a rare breed (I think they call them "Wealthy Souls" . . .)

May your words inspire other Wealthy Souls.

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